Energy Efficient Gift Pack

Dec 15 update:    We’ve ordered 6 of these packs that we’ll pick up this week.  3 we’ve paid for with our own money, 3 with donations.  If anyone else is interested, we have plenty of people that would love your gift!  (the gift packs were for the holiday, but the stoves are always available)

November 2012:  Here is an idea for a holiday gift related to food and our environment.

If you would like to sponsor a home in our community to receive this gift, we are

happy to take care of the logistics, take a picture of the family and introduce you to their home virtually.  We’ll have our apprentice teams do education along with the gift on food diversification and energy efficiency.

The full gift pack set is about 40 USD with the commercial bank exchange rate that I get through pay pal (about 300 MK:USD).  Just click on the donate button above and indicate Stove. This group (Area 55) has also helped many schools in Malawi to put in institutional stoves, helping to reduce the number of trees used for fuel.   All of the fuel wood energy efficient stoves work great with just trimmings from trees and shrubs – we’ve had several of these stoves for many many years.  We also use recycled paper briquettes that we make at home.

If you want more information, the direct contacts for the organization are:
Area 55 Consulting|Area 14/126|P.O Box 1306| Lilongwe| Malawi
Mbumba Chigalu, Marketing Manager (265) 888 846 262|
