Face-to-Face is a project which began in the United States in 2003 as part of the Harvard Medical School. It’s primary focus, at that time, was to help document and raise awareness regarding the devastating global toll of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
In 2006-07, this initiative expanded its focus to countries like Malawi and Cambodia, to help grassroots communities fight hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. The founder of Face-to-Face, Ken Wong, has visited Never Ending Food in the past and the project has now incorporated Permaculture principles into the establishment of ‘Victory Gardens’.
These Victory Gardens are small 3-meter by 3-meter, low-to-no cost, all-organic, homestead gardens which provide families with food throughout the entirety of the year. These gardens focus on producing a diversity of nutritious foods, increasing sources of income, and empowering communities to find locally-available solutions.
Never Ending Food received a visit from over 30 of their outreach workers to increase their knowledge of Permaculture principles, impart new ideas, and encourage them to keep striving to bring an end to things like malnutrition and ‘hungry seasons’ in Malawi.
A big thank you to the Face-to-Face Malawi Programme Director, Mike Chikakuda, for helping to arrange this visit, and a thanks as well to Never Ending Food Manager, Peter Kaniye, for answering everybody’s questions in Chichewa! Keep up the great work everybody!