June 5th was World Environment Day and also marked the beginning of World Environment Week. This year’s theme from the United Nation’s Environment Programme (UNEP) was ‘Raise your voice, not the sea level’, designed to encourage people around the world to focus on all aspects of climate change. Here in Malawi, activities were organized by the Lilongwe Wildlife Center (LWC). LWC’s environmental education program has been working hard over the years to increase the understanding and awareness of conservation issues among Malawian school children. Last year alone over 20,000 students visited the center.
Never Ending Food offered to help support this year’s activities by setting up a Permaculture display. Never Ending Food‘s two interns, Kusala and Emmanuel, spent four days at the center helping educate the groups of students who passed through. The Center estimated that over 1000 students from 25 schools would be in attendance for this year’s Environment Week activities. The Permaculture display featured many of Malawi’s locally available resources for foods, natural medicines and income-generating activities, focusing on the resilience that diversity offers in the face of climate change. There was also a PowerPoint demonstration that helped to highlight a variety of examples of how Permaculture is being used throughout the country, and throughout the world, to address current environmental and climate challenges.
A big thanks to the Lilongwe Wildlife Center for their tireless environmental efforts, and to Kusala and Emmanuel for the time and energy that they devoted to this year’s activities. Keep up the great work everyone…We are getting there, one future leader at a time!