As of July 31st, 2009 we now have seventeen more certified Permaculturalists in Malawi! Kristof, along with two other local PDC trainers, Isaac Siska and Davie Nyamu, just completed facilitating a two-week Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in the southern part of the country, Neno District.
This training was organized and supported by an organization called Partners in Health (PIH), who are working with the Neno District Hospital, surrounding health centers, and local community-based organizations.
The 17 people who were trained will now be hired by Partners in Health’s Programme for Social and Economic Responsibility to work at local health centers throughout the Neno District implementing Permaculture ideas and establishing demonstration plots to help teach about nutrition, food security, HIV/AIDS care, local medicines, and more! This programme also includes a community outreach component to assist households throughout the district to establish Permaculture at their own homes. It was a great training and we are looking forward to Neno becoming a role model for the rest of the country.