On June 14th of 2018, over 50 Malawian pastors from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malawi (ELCM) visited Never Ending Food to learn more about how Permaculture ideas can be integrated into their mission work. These pastors were able to get a glimpse of the true potential that Malawi has to turn itself into a literal ‘Garden of Eden’ and bring an end to things like ‘hungry seasons’, malnutrition, and poverty. During the visit, the Never Ending Food staff tried to emphasize that church leaders have a moral responsibility to make sure that people who are worshipping a ‘Creator’ must also be proactive in protecting and conserving creation. Nature gives us all that we need for life: food, medicines, energy, building supplies, etc. Humans must do everything in our power to make sure that we are caring for the earth, caring for people, and sharing resources equitably.

These pastors represented Lutheran churches throughout the entire country of Malawi, so we hope that the sustainable and locally-available solutions that they were able to learn about will travel home with them and be turned into action! The ELCM has also produced a short video on Permaculture activities in Malawi: