Victoria is a student at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) who is working on her Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Food Science. She just completed a month-long internship with Never Ending Food. During this time, she was able to complete the theory, practical, and course work necessary to receive a Certificate in Permaculture Design. As part of her design process, Victoria learned about the basics of good soil and water management (including: composting, eco-san, vermiculture, mulching, water harvesting, building swales, etc.). She also learned about assembling guilds (e.g. climbers/supporters, groundcovers, diggers/miners, nitrogen-fixers, protectors/attractors, etc.) and using these guild systems in zones to help conserve energy. Victoria studied the concepts of animal management, patterns, urban Permaculture, health and nutrition, propagation, and integrated pest management. She was also able to participate in a field visit to the Permaculture Paradise Institute, and to observe educational tours that Never Ending Food offers to visitors.
For her process of observation/mapping/design, Victoria chose to focus on an area of Never Ending Food which is a public space with a gazebo for meetings and gatherings. Her design included live-fencing to protect the site, pathways, rammed-earth benches for relaxing, and additional food-forest guilds to improve the overall value of the land. Her final map and design work was presented to the Never Ending Food team, and we will begin working to implement many of her ideas within the next few months.
Victoria has now returned to school to finish working on her nutrition degree. We are sad to see her leaving Never Ending Food, but wish her all the best in the future integrating her new Permaculture knowledge and skills into the field of nutrition!