Hello again everybody!
After a bit of a technical hiatus we are now up and running again! A HUGE thanks to Mike McKay for hosting our original site and helping to get all of our pages and information transferred over to the new host. Another HUGE thanks to Chris Darts who has been working with us untiringly to get the site working again with its new look and new features!
Fortunately, Permaculture activities have continued to move forward in Malawi despite of our “down time”. In November of last year, Malawi hosted the International Permaculture Convergence (IPC9). It was a great success with almost 50 countries represented. We will try to get a new page set up for that event.
The School Health and Nutrition project continues to grow with its Permaculture efforts…we will try to get you an update for that.
We have also had a great deal of publicity and a growing awareness of Malawi’s Permaculture efforts for which we will try to get links and examples posted very soon.
Note: We are still working to get some of the old pictures back on-line, but should have everything sorted out shortly. Please stay with us as and visit often as we continue to grow and share our work and lives with all of you!