We have some really exciting news to share with you!

Using Permaculture As A Development Tool

Permaculture has just received a high-level endorsement as being a beneficial ‘Development Tool’ by none other than USAID, the funding and developmental branch for the majority of the United States’ International Aid efforts.   Kristof Nordin, from Never Ending Food, along with international development advocate, Kara Greenblott, co-authored a Technical Brief for USAID’s AIDSTAR-One project entitled: Permaculture Design for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programming: Low-Cost, Sustainable Solutions for Food and Nutrition Insecure Communities.  You may download a PDF version of the Technical Brief by clicking here (AIDSfree.usaid.gov).

Permaculture has had its ups and downs along the path of trying to break into mainstream thinking, but with organizations such as USAID taking the lead in such endeavors, we seem to finally be making some progress.  If you would like to know more about the benefits and even some of the obstacles of using Permaculture as a development tool, check out our new page ‘Permaculture as a ‘Development Tool’ by clicking here.
